This website uses cookies - a small text file which is saved on your device - with the purpose of remembering user preferences and providing an enhanced user experience. Cookies are harmless, and cannot include malicious code.

Personal information is information which is attributable to you. Our systems collect and process some personal information when you place an order with us. We never collect more than we need. Under the GDPR you are allowed at any time to request a copy of any personal data we may have collected, please contact us for more details if you wish so. Information is registered in order to best serve you when you participate in one of our events, and comply with the danish accounting act.

We have taken technical and organizational measures against the fact that your information is accidentally or illegally deleted, published, lost, impaired or comes to the knowledge of a person, misused or otherwise treated in violation of the law.

Kniplings-Festival i Tønder
CVR.: 13842299
Storegade 14
DK-6270 Tønder